



private int DBUpdate() {

DAL dal = new DAL();
string upd = "UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = '@pname', [ProjectCode] = '@pcode', [Country] = @cnt, ";
upd += "[StartDate] = '@startdate', [FinishDate] = '@finishdate', [TotalParticipants] = @totpart, [ArrivalDate] = '@arrivedate', ";
upd += "[AirportTransfer] = @airtran, [AirportDate] = '@airdate', [AirportHours] = @airhour, [AirportMinutes] = @airmin, ";
upd += "[Problems] = '@problems', [FirstDayActivities] = '@fdayact' ";
upd += "WHERE [UserID]=@usid";

    OleDbParameter[] parm = new OleDbParameter[] { 
    new OleDbParameter("@pname",projname.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@pcode",projcode.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@cnt",countries.SelectedIndex),
    new OleDbParameter("@startdate",datestart.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@finishdate",datefinish.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@totpart",totalparticipants.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@arrivedate",datearrival.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@airtran",RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue),
    new OleDbParameter("@airdate",dateairport.Text),
    new OleDbParameter("@airhour",airporthours.SelectedIndex),
    new OleDbParameter("@airmin",airportminutes.SelectedIndex),
    new OleDbParameter("@problems",problems.Value),
    new OleDbParameter("@fdayact",firstday.Value),
    new OleDbParameter("@usid",user.ID)
 return (dal.UpdateRow(upd,false,parm));

/// It causes no exceptions, but returns 0 rows affected. When same query executed from within MS Access it works fine. Hence I suppose the problem is sth with the handling of parameters ... but what? Thank you


date format is dd.MM.yyyy .. so it sends 31.12.2008 ... in single quotes :) I debugged it, got the CommandText, passed values instead of parameters with the same date format, it updates (from within Access) ..

+2  A: 

If you set the parameter type in each new OleDbParameter you will not need to place single quotes on your sql making the instruction less prone to typing mistakes.

This is probably the problem. You should never quote parameters, the database driver does that itself.
Rune Grimstad
+6  A: 

Check if the value of user.ID is being correctly set.

In your upd command string you are surrounding the parameters with quotes, like this:

[StartDate] = '@startdate'

Remove those quotes in all your parameters.

Nelson Reis

When I do so (Nelson, as you have said) it gives me the oledb exception ... error message is not English unfortunately, however I hate it ... it says something like data type incompatibility in the statement ...


Sergio: is this OK, for setting OleDbTypes explicitly?

///whatever ...
        new OleDbParameter("@problems",problems.Value),
        new OleDbParameter("@fdayact",firstday.Value),
        new OleDbParameter("@usid",user.ID)
//then telling each one what they will be ... 
        parm[0].OleDbType = OleDbType.VarWChar;
        parm[1].OleDbType = OleDbType.VarWChar;

     return (dal.UpdateRow(upd,false,parm));
thxs 4 the intellisense :)
+1  A: 

By the way, you'll probably want to use a StringBuilder instead of a string to create upd. Every time you use += you're throwing away your old string a creating a new one.


StringBuilder upd = new StringBuilder();
upd.Append("UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = '@pname', [ProjectCode] = '@pcode', [Country] = @cnt, ");
upd.Append("[StartDate] = '@startdate', [FinishDate] = '@finishdate', [TotalParticipants] = @totpart, [ArrivalDate] = '@arrivedate', ");
upd.Append("[AirportTransfer] = @airtran, [AirportDate] = '@airdate', [AirportHours] = @airhour, [AirportMinutes] = @airmin, ");
upd.Append("[Problems] = '@problems', [FirstDayActivities] = '@fdayact' ");
upd.Append("WHERE [UserID]=@usid");

And to use it, simply

But string builders have a bit of overhead associated with them. In this case, with only 6 concatenations, it really doesn't make sense to use a string builder. You'd be most likely better off just removing the ;'s, and concating all the strings. The compiler may optimize this to a single string.
Agreed, that'd be better in this case.

I knew the stringbuilder but never considered this massive performance hit :) thx I am doing so right now ...


But the thing is that, I think I am still supposed to use single quotes for Dates, Strings even if I use parameters, parameters which their OleDbTypes are defined Explicitly .. right?


The OLE DB.NET Framework Data Provider uses positional parameters that are marked with a question mark (?) instead of named parameters.

does that Mean I am doing terribly wrong with using @paramnam ? ... instead ?paramname is necessary?

+3  A: 

Sorry emre, I overlooked the OleDb Provider. Your SQL command syntax is correct if it was intended for an SQL provider.

So, your command should look like this:

string upd = "UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = ?, [ProjectCode] = ?, [Country] = ?, ";
upd += "[StartDate] = ?, [FinishDate] = ?, [TotalParticipants] = ?, [ArrivalDate] = ?, ";
upd += "[AirportTransfer] = ?, [AirportDate] = ?, [AirportHours] = ?, [AirportMinutes] = ?, ";
upd += "[Problems] = ?, [FirstDayActivities] = ? ";
upd += "WHERE [UserID]=?";

Then you should add your OleDb parameters just like you already have, but you have to be careful to add them in the same order they appear in you SQL command.

One more thing, but that don't have to do with your problem: you shouldn't concatenate strings, because that operation isn't very good in terms of performance.

Instead, to lay out your SQL command nicely, try this:

StringBuilder upd = new StringBuilder();
upd.Append("UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = ?, [ProjectCode] = ?, [Country] = ?, ");
upd.Append("[StartDate] = ?, [FinishDate] = ?, [TotalParticipants] = ?, [ArrivalDate] = ?, ");
upd.Append("[AirportTransfer] = ?, [AirportDate] = ?, [AirportHours] = ?, [AirportMinutes] = ?, ");
upd.Append("[Problems] = ?, [FirstDayActivities] = ? ");
upd.Append("WHERE [UserID]=?");

Then, to get your command string, you just need:


Hope that this could help you.

Nelson Reis
+1: OleDb needs positional parameters (and in any case SQL named parameters should not be enclosed in single quotes). Also you can declare a multi-line string constant for the sql statement as string upd = @"UPDATE ... ";A multiline string constant is easier to read and to copy/paste.
+2  A: 

Just to comment that rather than concatenating, it's more readable (and easier to copy/paste) if you use a multiline string literal. Also you should not enclose parameter names in single quotes, even for string parameters (use single quotes for literals only). So your original SQL could look something like:

string upd = @"
UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = @pname, [ProjectCode] = @pcode, [Country] = @cnt, 
[StartDate] = @startdate, [FinishDate] = @finishdate, [TotalParticipants] = @totpart, [ArrivalDate] = @arrivedate, 
[AirportTransfer] = @airtran, [AirportDate] = @airdate, [AirportHours] = @airhour, [AirportMinutes] = @airmin, 
[Problems] = @problems, [FirstDayActivities] = @fdayact 
WHERE [UserID]=@usid

As others have pointed out, OleDb does not use named parameters, so you should actually be using the following, ensuring that you add parameters to your OleDbCommand in the same order they appear in the SQL statement:

string upd = @"
UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = ?, [ProjectCode] = ?, [Country] = ?, 
[StartDate] = ?, [FinishDate] = ?, [TotalParticipants] = ?, [ArrivalDate] = ?, 
[AirportTransfer] = ?, [AirportDate] = ?, [AirportHours] = ?, [AirportMinutes] = ?, 
[Problems] = ?, [FirstDayActivities] = ? 
WHERE [UserID]=?
+1. This form is much better than using a stringbuilder to make your query in just about every way.
This is a good way of creating your SQL command.
Nelson Reis

Great.. But then what name I will be using .. since they do not need names, but .NET OleDbParameter() constructor needs a name such as

new OleDbParameter("@pname", projname.Text),

am I gonna say like

new OleDbParameter("?", projname.Text),

and so on



Aight! I solved it listening to Deltron 3030 .. it always works :)

This OleDbParameter object sets its oledbtype internally, according to the type I have passed (as object to the ctor) .. so I have passed an integer coming from a TextBox (client side validated but still text, so it crashes) .. also the bool one was radiobutton.Value .. which sends True but still text so it assumes as string and encapsulates it in single quotes ... But I cannot see what names to give these params since they are nameless ...

Sorry I hate reading long articles, instead I use one of the great virtues of a programmer which is lazyness .. So I ask here :)

Thank you all for your time and efforts .. Wish you guys all the success

+2  A: 

Don't use the StringBuilder in this case. Use verbatim strings(@) with well formatted SQL code:

var updateStatement = @"
    UPDATE [RPform]
    SET     [ProjectName]        = @pname     ,
            [ProjectCode]        = @pcode     ,
            [Country]            = @cnt       ,
            [StartDate]          = @startdate ,
            [FinishDate]         = @finishdate,
            [TotalParticipants]  = @totpart   ,
            [ArrivalDate]        = @arrivedate,
            [AirportTransfer]    = @airtran   ,
            [AirportDate]        = @airdate   ,
            [AirportHours]       = @airhour   ,
            [AirportMinutes]     = @airmin    ,
            [Problems]           = @problems  ,
            [FirstDayActivities] = @fdayact
    WHERE   [UserID]             =@usid";

But I have to note that += will not be optimized! The simple + will be performed at compile time. For example

string s = "A" + "B" + C";

will result in "ABC" no perf hit However

string s = "A" + variable + C";

will be not optimized.

Petar Petrov
Nice and clean ;-)
Nelson Reis