There are a lot of questions regarding side-by-side divs. I didn't miss those. But I need something that spans the whole width of the screen. This is the situation:
I need three divs positioned side-by-side. The left, middle, and right divs we'll call them. The middle div holds the header contents of the site and is a fixed width (800px). I want the left and right div to span the rest of the screen width on either side. So..
<-LEFT-> | MIDDLE | <- RIGHT ->
The reason I want to do it this way is because the middle (content holding) div has a backgrond that is a gradient. Let's say the left side of the gradient is white and the right side is black. I need the Left div to be white so it is a continuation and the Right div to be black. This way it looks like one fluid heading that spans the whole width of the screen.