



Hi all,

How can i able to update a table in a MySQL database using SQL Injection?

I have heard about how we can enter the query in the address bar and it is possible to update a table in the MySQL database. But I am not sure about it.

Kindly give me an idea professionals...

+6  A: 

You may want to try entering Robert'); DROP TABLE students; -- in your form :)

alt text

In the above xkcd cartoon, Bobby was probably asked to fill in his name in a form, but he mischievously inserted Robert'); DROP TABLE students; -- as his name. Now imagine if that input was used in this query:

SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = '$input'

As you can see, if we substitute $input for what Bobby entered, you'll get this

SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = 'Robert'); DROP TABLE students; --'

Which are two very valid SQL commands, and a comment.

You may also want to research earlier Stack Overflow questions on SQL Injection.

Daniel Vassallo
Is it possible to change by updating the table by entering the query in URL. kindly explain
@Fero: Yes it is. For example, if you use the querystring from the URL, and insert it into a `SELECT` statement, as in `SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$querystring';` Then whatever you pass as the querystring can easily terminate that `SELECT` statement, and execute any another statement, as in the above cartoon.
Daniel Vassallo
Thanks Dany.. Is there any sites or blogs which explain it breifly...
In the above cartoon, Bobby was probably asked to fill in his name in a form, but he mischievously inserted `Robert'); DROP TABLE students; --`... Now imagine if that input was used in this query: `SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = '$input'`... As you can see, if you substitute `$input` for what Bobby entered, you'll get this: `SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = 'Robert'); DROP TABLE students; --'`, which are two valid SQL commands.
Daniel Vassallo
@Fero: You may want to start with the link that @Piskvor suggested in the above comments. Then I'd recommend going through Stack Overflow.
Daniel Vassallo
Thank u very much dany...
But its throwing an while i worked with phpmyadmin