EDIT: Problem wasn't related to the question. It was indeed something wrong with my code, and actually, it was so simple that I don't want to put it on the internet. Thanks anyway.
I read in roughly 550k Active directory records and store them in a List, the class being a simple wrapper for an AD user. I then split the list of ADRecords into four lists, each containing a quarter of the total. After I do this, I read in about 400k records from a database, known as EDR records, into a DataTable. I take the four quarters of my list and spawn four threads, passing each one of the four quarters. I have to match the AD records to the EDR records using email right now, but we plan to add more things to match on later.
I have a foreach on the list of AD records, and inside of that, I have to run a for loop on the EDR records to check each one, because if an AD record matches more than one EDR record, then that isn't a direct match, and should not be treated as a direct match.
My problem, by the time I get to this foreach on the list, my ADRecords list only has about 130 records in it, but right after I pull them all in, I Console.WriteLine the count, and it's 544k.
I am starting to think that even though I haven't set the list to null to be collected later, C# or Windows or something is actually taking my list away to make room for the EDR records because I haven't used the list in a while. The database that I have to use to read EDR records is a linked server, so it takes about 10 minutes to read them all in, so my list is actually idle for 10 minutes, but it's never set to null.
Any ideas?
//splitting list and passing in values to threads.
List<ADRecord> adRecords = GetAllADRecords();
for (int i = 0; i < adRecords.Count/4; i++)
for (int i = adRecords.Count/4; i < adRecords.Count/2; i++)
for (int i = adRecords.Count/2; i < (adRecords.Count/4)*3; i++)
for (int i = (adRecords.Count/4)*3; i < adRecords.Count; i++)
DataTable edrRecordsTable = GetAllEDRRecords();
DataRow[] edrRecords = edrRecordsTable.Select("Email_Address is not null and Email_Address <> ''", "Email_Address");
Dictionary<string, int> letterPlaces = FindLetterPlaces(edrRecords);
Thread one = new Thread(delegate() { ProcessMatches(firstQuarter, edrRecords, letterPlaces); });
Thread two = new Thread(delegate() { ProcessMatches(secondQuarter, edrRecords, letterPlaces); });
Thread three = new Thread(delegate() { ProcessMatches(thirdQuarter, edrRecords, letterPlaces); });
Thread four = new Thread(delegate() { ProcessMatches(fourthQuarter, edrRecords, letterPlaces); });
In ProcessMatches, there is a foreach on the List of ADRecords passed in. The first line in the foreach is AdRecordsProcessed++; which is a global static int, and the program finishes with it at 130 instead of the 544k.