Hey, I've searched and have found partial answers but none that seem to working - at least as I expect - in my situation.
So I am trying to comment http://pastebin.com/eRF0VjmR and running into issues when I try to comment objects. The ones in question are "subscribers", "options", and "fn".
As you can see for "fn" (line 756) I am using:
* @name USPS.widget.calendar.DatePicker.fn
* @description
* @namespace
Which breaks the comments out to another page, which is not ideal, but it works, were I having more issues is with the "options" and "subscribers" where I have sub objects within. If I use the same structure as "fn" it breaks them out to new pages as well but then I have the issue with "classes" at line 212. If tried the suggests at this[1] link and as well as using @scope and some other tags but can't seem to find the right combination.
[1] groups.google.com/group/jsdoc-2/browse_thread/thread/cef44b0bd6c43272/fbb6b5b4bc48a282?lnk=gst&q=object#fbb6b5b4bc48a282