




Hello All, I need help with displaying images from a MySQL database. What I have is a an Dynamic PHP/HTML table that has multiple pages with a pagination link. The table layout is: Book Title, Author, Publisher, Category and image. I can connect to database with connection script - working OK. I can see all the information for the table at the correct column and row per above locations including the images. At this point I hover on link below image and use jQuery to pop up larger view of an image, but this works only
on the first image of each HTMl page.

First I connect to Database with a connection script.
This is the code I use to query database:

here is the jQuery script:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
  $bg = ($bg=='#ffffff' ? '#FCFCFC' : '#ffffff'); // Switch the background color. 
  echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '">
  <td id="books">' . '<h4>'. $row['booktitle'] .'</h4>'. '</td>
  <td id="auth">' . $row['author'] . '</td>
  <td id="publ">' . $row['publisher'] . '</td>
  <td id="cat">' . $row['category'] . '</td>
  <td id="img">'.'<img src="'. $row['image'].'" width="90"/>'.'<div span="getLargeImage">'.'<a href="'. $row['image'].'" id="popup">Larger view</a>'.'</span>'.'</td>


$('#popup').hover(function(e) {
   var getId = $(this).attr("id");
   var getAttr = $(this).attr("href"); 
   var html = '<div id="full_img">';
   html +=    '<img src="'+ getAttr +' />';
   html +=  '</div>'; 

  //console.log(getId);    //returns the a href id
   //console.log(getAttr);     //returns the a href link  

   $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "0px","width" : "250px"}, 100);
   $('#full_img').css('top', e.pageY + -160).css('left', e.pageX - 350);

  }, function() {
   $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "250px","width" : "0px"}, 100);



As I said above the jQuery hover/show larger image works only on image in first row of table for each page, to see how it is working at this point surf to:


any help would be appreciated. thanks ussteele

+3  A: 

the problem is that your giving every one of them the same id instead give them all the same class

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
   $bg = ($bg=='#ffffff' ? '#FCFCFC' : '#ffffff'); // Switch the background color. 
   echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '">
   <td id="books">' . '<h4>'. $row['booktitle'] .'</h4>'. '</td>
   <td id="auth">' . $row['author'] . '</td>
   <td id="publ">' . $row['publisher'] . '</td>
   <td id="cat">' . $row['category'] . '</td>
   <td id="img">'.'<img src="'. $row['image'].'" width="90"/>'.'<div span="getLargeImage">'.'<a href="'. $row['image'].'"       class="popup">Larger view</a>'.'</span>'.'</td>

then target the class


 $('.popup').hover(function(e) {
    var getId = $(this).attr("id");
    var getAttr = $(this).attr("href"); 
    var html = '<div id="full_img">';
    html +=    '<img src="'+ getAttr +' />';
    html +=  '</div>'; 

   //console.log(getId);    //returns the a href id
    //console.log(getAttr);     //returns the a href link  

    $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "0px","width" : "250px"}, 100);
    $('#full_img').css('top', e.pageY + -160).css('left', e.pageX - 350);

   }, function() {
    $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "250px","width" : "0px"}, 100);


it should also be noted that your doing that all around. if you want to use id's you need to give they MUST be unique .

This was the correct answer and helpful.
awesome glad it help you please accept my answer. And please go back and accept answers on other post that you have asked this will help you in the future since you only have a 25% accept rate at this point if you continue to go down in percentage you will be less likely to get answers