



We have two jqGrid grids - we only want to display one at a time based on a user's input.

Each grid, when displayed, should appear on the screen at the same location.

What is the easiest way to achieve this?

Currently we just have our HTML set up with <table id="list"></table> and then we create the grid with $("#list").jqGrid({....



<a href="#" id="click1">Toggle</a>
<table class="list" id="list1"></table>
<table class="list" id="list2" style="display: none;"></table>


$("a#click1").click(function() {

PS. I am wondering whether jqGrid will work on items that have display: none and are thus effectively removed from the DOM; if it doesnt work out you might want to adapt the toggle() function to use the visibility property instead.

    function() {
        $(this).css({"visibility": "hidden"});
    function() {
        $(this).css({"visibility: "visible"});
+1  A: 

jqGrid create some divs over table and pager elemetes. The id of the div which contain all the jqGrid elements is a div with id="gbox_list" in your case.

So to hide the grid you cane use $("#gbox_list").hide(); and to show it back: $("#gbox_list").show();. If you want to use another toggle effectes which you needs, but with the same $("#gbox_list") object.

Thanks. We also have the pager using `<div id="pager">`.. what is the div name for the pager? Also - can you "bind" two different grids to the same table and pager HTML elements and then unbind one and bind the other one to toggle the grids?
Or is that a dumb question regarding the pager? Would we just do $("#pager").hide()? So to do a toggle we'd hide both the table div and the pager div, then show the table and pager divs of the other grid?
@Marcus: the pager will be placed inside of the "gbox", so hiding of the `$("#gbox_list")` will hide also the corresponding pager (the pager used in the jqGrid definition. I am not sure that I understand correct what you mean with the "binding" two different grids to the same table. I recommand you not share any DOM elements between the grids. Hiding and showing is one way. Another way is removing of unneeded grid and full recreating another. You can a little play with different approatch and after that decide which it the best in your environment.
How do you remove a given grid and then recreate another grid?
@Marcus: You can do this in different ways. One way is the usage of `GridUnload` or `GridDestroy`(see Another is placing of both the table and the pager div elements inside one an additional div: `<div id="main"><table id="list"></table><div id="pager"></div></div>` and then use just `$("#main").empty()` to destroy or `$("#main").html('<table id="list"></table><div id="pager"></div>')` to recreate the grid base elements. To make jqGrid from recreated table with the pager div you can use the same code as usual.

In the end went with an answer found on a similar post:
