Anyone have a good idea for a method of achieving random floaty motion? Like, just general smooth drift in a constrained area.
This is what I tried:
var rangeX = 100;
var rangeY = 100;
var gravity = .001;
$('.floating').each(function() {
$(this).data('startX', $(this).position().left);
$(this).data('startY', $(this).position().top);
$(this).data('velocityX', 0);
$(this).data('velocityY', 0);
setInterval(function() {
$('.floating').each(function() {
var changeX = ($(this).data('destinationX') - $(this).position().left) * gravity;
var changeY = ($(this).data('destinationY') - $(this).position().top) * gravity;
var velocityX = $(this).data('velocityX') + changeX;
var velocityY = $(this).data('velocityY') + changeY;
$(this).data('velocityX', velocityX);
$(this).data('velocityY', velocityY);
$(this).css('left', $(this).position().left + velocityX);
$(this).css('top', $(this).position().top + velocityY);
}, 10);
setInterval(chooseDestination, 2000);
function chooseDestination() {
$('.floating').each(function() {
$(this).data('destinationX', $(this).data('startX') - rangeX/2 + Math.random() * rangeX);
$(this).data('destinationY', $(this).data('startY') - rangeY/2 + Math.random() * rangeY);
It really doesn't look very floaty though.