



As well as CHAR (CHARACTER) and VARCHAR (CHARACTER VARYING), SQL offers an NCHAR (NATIONAL CHARACTER) and NVARCHAR (NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING) type. In some databases, this is the better datatype to use for character (non-binary) strings:

  • In SQL Server, NCHAR is stored as UTF-16LE and is the only way to reliably store non-ASCII characters, CHAR being a single-byte codepage only;

  • in Oracle, NVARCHAR may be stored as UTF-16 or UTF-8 rather than a single-byte collation;

  • but in MySQL, NVARCHAR is VARCHAR, so it makes no difference, either type can be stored with UTF-8 or any other collation.

So, what does NATIONAL actually conceptually mean, if anything? The vendors' docs only tell you about what character sets their own DBMSs use, rather than the actual rationale. Meanwhile the SQL92 standard explains the feature even less helpfully, stating only that NATIONAL CHARACTER is stored in an implementation-defined character set. As opposed to a mere CHARACTER, which is stored in an implementation-defined character set. Which might be a different implementation-defined character set. Or not.

Thanks, ANSI. Thansi.

Should one use NVARCHAR for all character (non-binary) storage purposes? Are there currently-popular DBMSs in which it will do something undesirable, or which just don't recognise the keyword (or N'' literals)?

+2  A: 
Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

In Oracle, the database character set can be a multi-byte character set, so you can store all manner of characters in there....but you need to understand and define the length of the columns appropriately (in either BYTES or CHARACTERS).

NVARCHAR gives you the option to have a database character set that is a single-byte (which reduces the potential for confusion between BYTE or CHARACTER sized columns) and use NVARCHAR as the multi-byte. See here.

Since I predominantly work with English data, I'd go with a multi-byte character set (UTF-8 mostly) as the database character set and ignore NVARCHAR. If I inherited an old database which was in a single-byte characterset and was too big to convert, I may use NVARCHAR. But I'd prefer not to.
