Hello everyone,
I am using VSTS 2010 + ASP.Net + C# 4.0 to learn someone else's code for a WCF application. I find besides Web.Config, there are also Web.Debug.config and Web.Release.config. I searched the content of Web.Config, but cannot find any reference to Web.Debug.config and Web.Release.config. However in VSTS 2010 IDE solution explorer, I find there is an arrow pointed from Web.Config to Web.Debug.config and Web.Release.config -- so seems there is reference relationship. It makes me confused.
In all 3 config files, there are identical items with different values, for example, in web.config, there is connection string DBConnectinString defined in this way,
<add name="DBConnectinString" connectionString="data Source=;uid=foo;pwd=foo;database=FOO" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
And in Web.Debug.config, there is connection string DBConnectinString defined in almost the same way with different values,
<add name="DBConnectinString" connectionString="data Source=;uid=foo;pwd=foo;database=FOO" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
My quesiton is,
- what is the relationship between Web.Config and Web.Debug.config/Web.Release.config?
- Why define the same item with different values in Web.Config and Web.Debug.config/Web.Release.config?
thanks in advance, George