



I know jQueryMobile is not out yet. Anyone knows which mobile dev environment (create once-render on any mobile device) is more promising?


The jQuery Mobile stuff is pretty promising at the moment, the question mark is how promising (and responsive) on the much older phones with less sophisticated browsers. Check out the concept designs here, one thing that'll be coming out later is themes for specific devices, so for example the same core jQuery and UI library can easily be swapped out with probably (this is still the plan AFAIK) just a different CSS include.

With a different CSS (theme) it can look like an iPhone interface, or Blackberry...or whatever the user is used to, so based on the device you could simply change the stylesheet they get and with one set of markup/JavaScript you'll be able to provide them a look/feel that is as close to the native UI on that device as possible....or you can use one theme that's the same for all users, the option will be left up to you.

Nick Craver