



I'd like to incorporate whatever shorthand techniques there are in my regular coding habits and also be able to read them when I seem them in compacted code.

Anybody know of a reference page or documentation that outlines techniques?

Edit: I had previously mentioned minifiers and it is now clear to me that minifying and efficient JS-typing techniques are two almost-totally-separate concepts.

+3  A: 

Two most common conditional shorthands are:

a = a || b     // if a is falsy use b as default
a || (a = b)   // another version of assigning a default value
a = b ? c : d  // if b then c else d

Object literal notation for creating Objects and Arrays:

obj = {
   prop1: 5,
   prop2: function () { ... },
arr = [1, 2, 3, "four", ...];

a = {}     // instead of new Object()
b = []     // instead of new Array()
c = /.../  // instead of new RegExp()

I think there is no way to shorten function as it's a keyword in the language.

// Increment/Decrement/Multiply/Divide
a += 5  // same as: a = a + 5
a++     // same as: a = a + 1

// Number and Date
a = 15e4        // 150000
a = ~~b         // Math.floor(b) if b is always positive
a = +new Date   // new Date().getTime()

// toString, toNumber, toBoolean
a = +"5"        // a will be the number five (toNumber)
a = "" + 5 + 6  // 56 (toString)
a = !!"exists"  // true (toBoolean)
+6  A: 

If by JavaScript you also include versions newer than version 1.5, then you could also see the following:

Expression closures:

JavaScript 1.7 and older:

var square = function(x) { return x * x; }

JavaScript 1.8 added a shorthand Lambda notation for writing simple functions with expression closures:

var square = function(x) x * x;

reduce() method:

JavaScript 1.8 also introduces the reduce() method to Arrays:

var total = [0, 1, 2, 3].reduce(function(a, b){ return a + b; });  
// total == 6 

Destructuring assignment:

In JavaScript 1.7, you can use the destructuring assignment, for example, to swap values avoiding temporary variables:

var a = 1;  
var b = 3;  

[a, b] = [b, a]; 

Array Comprehensions and the filter() method:

Array Comprehensions were introduced in JavaScript 1.7 which can reduce the following code:

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 21, 22, 30];  
var evens = [];

for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
  if (numbers[i] % 2 === 0) {

To something like this:

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 21, 22, 30];
var evens = [i for each(i in numbers) if (i % 2 === 0)];

Or using the filter() method in Arrays which was introduced in JavaScript 1.6:

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 21, 22, 30];
var evens = numbers.filter(function(i) { return i % 2 === 0; });  
Daniel Vassallo
i don't think any minifier would do any of this... :)
@galambalazs: No, I don't think so as well. It would be incorrect for the minifier to do that, because such conversions would make code incompatible in engines that support versions 1.5 of JavaScript... Nevertheless, these are still a few options to shorten code in later versions, probably more for readability purposes rather than for minification.
Daniel Vassallo
I'm just sayin' non of these answers the question... :)
@galambalazs: I didn't interpret the question that way :) ... The OP asks: "I'd like to incorporate whatever shorthand techniques there are in my regular coding habits..."
Daniel Vassallo
+1 Array comprehensions in JS 1.7? **How did I not know about this?!**
"...and also be able to read them when I seem them in compacted code." :)
@galambalazs: I interpreted that "and" as a logical OR :)
Daniel Vassallo
Nvm. :) The original question was clearly about what minifiers/people use to shorten code, because he wants to understand and then use them. Your answer is about language features yet to be widely implemented, so no matter how cool they are, non of them is really helpful to him atm.
@galambalazs: They might not be helpful in browser scripting (at the moment), but for example [Spider Monkey]( supports JavaScript version 1.8 and [Rhino]( version 1.7.
Daniel Vassallo
+1  A: 

You're looking for idioms of the JavaScript language.

It's certainly interesting to peek at what's new in JavaScript 1.6+ but you're not going to be able to use the language features (e.g., list comprehensions or the yield keyword) in the wild due to lack of mainstream support. It is worthwhile to learn about new standard library functions if you haven't had exposure to Lisp or Scheme, however. Many typical pieces of functional programming such as map, reduce, and filter are good to know and often show up in JavaScript libraries like jQuery; another useful function is bind (proxy in jQuery, to an extent), which is helpful when specifying methods as callbacks.
