I'm writing a C# class that will convert strings to dates. Pretty easy I guess. The class accepts formatstrings like "yyyy-MM-dd" and inputstrings like "2010-10-10"
However I have some cases that give me trouble:
format "yyyyMMdd" input "19950000"
format "dd-MM-yyyy" input "00-06-2001"
Note that these cases have zeroes ('00') for day and/or month, and that these cannot be converted to a DateTime. I'll need to replace them.
To handle theses cases I need to split the input string in the parts, one each for day, month and year, so I can set some default day and month (probably 01) if they are missing. But I need to use the formatstring to accomplish this.
So the question is, how can I split an inputstring in the components specified in the formatstring?
[UPDATE] Using Joe's answer I came up with this:
string[] formats = { format, format.Replace("dd", "00").Replace("MM", "00"), format.Replace("dd", "00"), format.Replace("MM", "00") };
// Parse input
DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDate.Text, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None);
This uses the supplied format and creates alternative formats with zeroes ('00') for day, month and both day and month.
Thanks Joe!