



I've have finally got the datepicker to work on my MVC demo site. One thing though it doesn't work when browsing with IE7, I havn't testet with IE6 yet. Does anyone know how to fix this problem or can't I use jQuery if I want IE users to be able to pick dates?

It works like a charm on Safari and Firefox, except for it's position when dropping down.

Please try for yourself on my demo site: Demo site

Click the link "Boka plats" on the menu. then login with: email: [email protected] password: tester


Is this helpful at all?

EDIT: Yes, I think you need to wrap your DatePicker() in $(document).ready(function() EX:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        $(document).ready(function() {          
                $.datepicker.regional["sv"], {
                    onSelect: function(date) {
                        //alert("The chosen date is " + date);
                    minDate: "0d",
                    maxDate: new Date(2009, 3 - 1, 26),
                    showStatus: true,
                    showWeeks: true,
                    highlightWeek: true, 
                    showOn: "both",
                    numberOfMonths: 1,
                    firstDay: 1,
                    buttonImageOnly: true,
                    showAnim: "scale", 
                    showOptions: { 
                        origin: ["top", "left"] 
Just looking at his example with Firebug, I can see that he does attach the datepicker to the input in document.ready (he uses the shorthand $(function(){}); )
Russ Cam
Yes I do, but thanx for trying to help...
Sorry about that. I viewed the source code from IE and I could've sworn I didn't see it then. Sorry about that and good luck.
+11  A: 

If I'm not mistaken, you have a trailing comma in your parameter list. IE will choke on trailing commas all the time in js.

Try this:

    $(function() {            
    $.datepicker.regional["sv"], {
        onSelect: function(date) {
        minDate: "0d",
        maxDate: new Date(2009, 3 - 1, 26),
        showStatus: true,
        showWeeks: true,
        highlightWeek: true, 
        showOn: "both",
        numberOfMonths: 1,
        firstDay: 1,
        buttonImageOnly: true,
        showAnim: "scale", 
        showOptions: { 
            origin: ["top", "left"] 


Thanx for your eagle eyes, i fell a bit embaressed to have missed that.
No problem at all. Glad to be of help. Js errors can sometimes be so simple, but infuriating.

Thanx guys, especially steve_c, for your help.
