



Books, articles, anything. The language doesn't matter too much as I can probably figure it out.

I just want something that is fairly deep, very practical and, most importantly, easy to understand.

Thanks guys :)


The Dragon Book is all about this. Old but still good.

Authors' website:

Would a book like this, which focuses on compilers, be too heavy handed for my needs? I understand that what I am looking for is essential for compilers, but still.
Peach Passion
Well, I don't know what you're trying to do. If you're not writing a compiler, the second half of the dragon book will not be very useful to you, but the first half is exactly on point. The price tag is pretty gruesome, but you should be able to get it from your local library (libraries have this wonderful thing called "inter-library loan" that means your local branch, be it ever so humble, can get you a book from *anywhere* if they haven't got their own copy of it).

I'm also an amateur with regards to an interest in State Machines. I think State Machines can be applied at many levels and within many disciplines, so not exactly sure what you are looking for. Because you mentioned parsing in your question, I also assumed you were mostly interested compiler/parser design.

If you're interest is slanted more towards practical and/or event handling usages of state machines, then you might find some of the material I've been collecting of interest:

I've also found some discussion of practical state machines in various game programming and AI related books.
