I'm trying to convert all instances of the > character to its HTML entity equivalent, >, within a string of HTML that contains HTML tags. The furthest I've been able to get with a solution for this is using a regex.
Here's what I have so far:
public static readonly Regex HtmlAngleBracketNotPartOfTag = new Regex("(?:<[^>]*(?:>|$))(>)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
The main issue I'm having is isolating the single > characters that are not part of an HTML tag. I don't want to convert any existing tags, because I need to preserve the HTML for rendering. If I don't convert the > characters, I get malformed HTML, which causes rendering issues in the browser.
This is an example of a test string to parse:
"Ok, now I've got the correct setting.<br/><br/>On 12/22/2008 3:45 PM, [email protected] wrote:<br/><div class"quotedReply">> Ok, got it, hope the angle bracket quotes are there.<br/>><br/>> On 12/22/2008 3:45 PM, > [email protected] wrote:<br/>>> Please someone, reply to this.<br/>>><br/>><br/></div>"
In the above string, none of the > characters that are part of HTML tags should be converted to >. So, this:
<div class"quotedReply">>
should become this:
<div class"quotedReply">>
Another issue is that the expression above uses a non-capturing group, which is fine except for the fact that the match is in group 1. I'm not quite sure how to do a replace only on group 1 and preserve the rest of the match. It appears that a MatchEvaluator doesn't really do the trick, or perhaps I just can't envision it right now.
I suspect my regex could do with some lovin'.
Anyone have any bright ideas?