I tried the same thing with the MySQL 2 gem which is used by default in Rails 3 and got a similar error. The problem is that the MySQL 2 gem by default does not use the MULTI_STATEMENTS which is needed when you want to get a result set back from the procedure.
After some investigation I've decided to stick with the original MySQL gem (adapter:mysql
instead of adapter:mysql2
in database.yml
) which seems to work fine also in Rails 3.
Here is what I do in order to get the result from a stored procedure to an ActiveRecord class:
db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
entries = Entry.find_by_sql( 'CALL sp_get_all_entries()' )
# we need to flush the result set otherwise following SQL statements cannot be processed
db.next_result if ( db.more_results? )
Now the rows returned from the stored procedure will be available on the entries objects, e.g.
entries.each do |entry|
puts entry.name
puts entry.extra_column_from_sp
Note that you can add extra columns in the SP. Those extra columns will always be of type "String" so you might need to convert them, e.g. to a date.