I want to measure the execution of a piece of code and I'm wondering what the best method to do this is?
Option 1:
DateTime StartTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime);
string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
ts.Milliseconds / 10);
Console.WriteLine(elapsedTime, "RunTime");
Option 2: using System.Diagnostics;
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
// Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;
// Format and display the TimeSpan value.
string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
ts.Milliseconds / 10);
Console.WriteLine(elapsedTime, "RunTime");
This isn't simply for benchmarking, its actually part of the application. The time the function takes to execute is relevant data. It doesn't however need to be atomic or hyper-accurate.
Which option is better for production code, or does anybody else use something different and perhaps better?