



Is it possible to access a local HSQL database from Ruby as well as from Java? (separately of course, not concurrent) The Ruby SQL toolkit called Sequel, for example, claims to have "adapters" for JDBC, so I think the answer is yes, yes? =)

If the answer is "kind of" or something, is there a better RDBMS that would allow straightforward access from both languages? Ideally I would want support for server-side DB's as well...


I am not a Ruby programmer so not sure about Ruby. But if there is a JDBC adapter for that database then you should be able to access the database.


Yes, provided that you use the JRuby implementation of Ruby. I've used Sequel with H2 on JRuby - IIRC I just installed Sequel and the h2 gem on JRuby and then specified the database connection as normal.

Stuart Ellis