I have tried with the following code to properly display the direction line between 2 cities, however the line between 2 cities is not properly set. If distance between 2 cities is long enough then one city icon is displayed and to get see the other city icon displayed on the map, I have to go to the place.
please check the code below:
void ShowDirection::on_webView_loadFinished(bool)
QStringList scriptStr;
<< "var map = new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById(\"map\"));"
<< "var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();"
<< "var colors = ['#FF0000'];"
<< "var baseStartIcon = new GIcon();"
<< "var baseEndIcon = new GIcon();"
<< "baseStartIcon.image = 'qrc:images/green.png';"
<< "baseEndIcon.image = 'qrc:images/red.png';"
<< "baseStartIcon.iconSize = new GSize(37, 37);"
<< "baseEndIcon.iconSize = new GSize(37, 64);"
<< "baseStartIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(18, 37);"
<< "baseEndIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(0, 64);"
<< "map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());"
<< "var directions = new GDirections();"
<< "GEvent.addListener(directions,\"load\", function() {"
<< "var poly=directions.getPolyline();"
<< "map.setCenter(poly.getVertex(0),8);"
<< "map.addOverlay(new GMarker(poly.getVertex(0),baseStartIcon));"
<< "map.addOverlay(new GMarker(poly.getVertex(poly.getVertexCount()-1),baseEndIcon));"
// << "bounds.extend(poly.getBounds());"
// << "map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(),map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds));"
<< "poly.setStrokeStyle({color:colors[0],weight:3,opacity: 0.7});"
<< "map.addOverlay(poly);"
<< "});"
<< QString ("directions.loadFromWaypoints([\"%1\",\"%2\"],{getPolyline:true});")
How to bound the 2 city locations direction line on the map, so that whatever may be the distance both location directions display on the map.