hello, I want to gets a list of objects from DB, I using a DAO component. I can get one object but now I need getting a list of objects, I'm new in delphy and don't know how to process to get this list.
Note that I use delphi 7.
this is how I get one record through DAO.
// Get persons from DB
iNbRecordFound := myPersonDAO.Find(IEntityObject(myPerson));
// test the number of records found
if (iNbRecordFound = 0) then
Raise Exception.Create('No person found for date: ' + DateTimeToStr(aDate))
// Return the found person
Result := myPerson;
// getting list of persons.
if (iNbRecordFound > 1) then
// Here I need to fill list of persons
myPersonList := ...
Thank you in advance for your help.