



Hi folks,

I am storing data in session variable (using PHP). I don’t know what is the limit for session. I am using Firefox version 3.6.

Wanted to know maximum size of session variable for different browsers(FF, MSIE7/8, chrome, opera, safari )

Also please suggest that, storing data in session variable is good way ? I am not storing user's confidential data in session.

Thanks for your suggestions!!!



Well, if you store something in session, this is usually left on server side and only session id is stored in browser.

If you store cookie, then it is indeed limited to few kb, and you'd better keep it as little as possible, as it's sent with EACH request - this consumes alot of bandwidth.

So keep it as tiny as possible (<100bytes).


"length restrictions do not apply to the ASP.NET intrinsic objects like session because they holds references. The only limitation is available memory on the machine"

Taken from this link

Sachin Shanbhag