




Hi, I have checked in several sites but couldn't find one, is there a GO book? Thanks.

+5  A: 

It's not a paper book, but effective go is the definitive starting point. This is the broader reference page, with useful things like the language specification and a bunch of other tutorials.

+4  A: 

Go was released as an experimental language on November 10, 2009. The Go language is revised frequently. It's hard for book authors to keep up.

Use the Go language documentation. Also, read the documentation and source code for the core Go packages.

FWIW, Go Programming, John P. Baugh and, a partial manuscript, Learning Go, Miek Gieben.

+6  A: 

There will be German book soon, see http://www.dpunkt.de/buecher/3449.html. I'm currently finishing it. Beside an introduction, the language, data types, packages, and tools it contains a larger chapter about Go in practice.

After the book is finished I can continue to publish helpful Go infos at http://www.tideland.biz as well as continuing the development of my OpenSource packages (see http://code.google.com/p/tideland-cgl/).

+1  A: 

GO PROGRAMMING by John P. Baugh available at Amazon.com.

Bill Bledsoe
If you click on the reference to this book that I provided in my answer, it will take you to the Amazon.com page for Baugh's book.
+1  A: 

You can also check some good documentations and tutorials : Go For Dummies , Effective GO.

+2  A: 

I have the same problem because the documentation at http://golang.org is a bit unorganized right now.

Stuff that I understand from the documentation I put it in writing at http://code.rkevin.com.

Nice blog, thanks!
Sinan Y.