




Hi, I'm planning to buy a book for cross - platform development in C++. I found the following books are suitable.can you please suggest me which book is best to buy? 1. Cross-Platform Development in C++: Building Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Applications (Paperback) by Syd Logan (Author) 2. Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets (Bruce Perens' Open Source Series) by Julian Smart

I've fair programming experience with C++ but I don't know anything about interface development.

+1  A: 

The wxWidgets book you refer to was freely available on the internet (legal, of course). I've googled and found quite a few links to it. But i'm not sure about the state currently. It looks like the authors don't link to a pdf anymore. So i don't do it either.

A good book-list about Qt4 is provided on the kde4 techbase site: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Further_Information#Qt_4_Development_Books , including some online books.

For general GUI library information, see the Best Cross Platform GUI Toolkits Answer.

For non-GUI stuff, the boost library collection will provide classes for many use case. (files (boost.filesystem), shared memory/message queuing (boost.interprocess), threads (boost.thread), networking (boost.asio)). Their manuals are quite good and detailed. Look here.

Johannes Schaub - litb
I have used Qt Java API - instead of Swing - few months back, for my toy like DB client experiment. I found it quite rich.
Adeel Ansari

this link might help C++ programmers who develop code to work across multiple platforms : (do's and dont's)


+1  A: 

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4
