In my application, I allow users to create a form containing any HTML form field they want (e.g. text input, textarea, select, etc.). I want to give the users the ability to define 0 or more cumulative validation rules for each field (there might be up to 25 different validation rules). How should I model this?
Here's a potential solution:
| Id | FieldId | ValidationRuleType | ValidationRuleDetail |
| 1 | 25 | Required | NULL |
| 2 | 26 | Minimum Length | 5 |
| 3 | 26 | Maximum Length | 12 |
Using the above design, maybe in most cases, the ValidationRuleType could just be "Regex" (or a value from a lookup table, such as ValidationRuleTypeId = 1 for "Regex"), and use the following for ValidationRuleDetail:
// Added bonus of this approach is that users who know regex could define their own patterns
.{1,} // Any character, 1 or more times. Use for "Required"
.{5,} // Any character, 5 or more times. Use for "Minimum Length = 5"
.{,12} // Any character, 12 or less times. Use for "Maximum Length = 12"
The problem is that this solution is EAV. That's a bad thing, right?
Another potential solution:
| Id | FieldId | Required | Minimum Length | Maximum Length |
| 1 | 25 | TRUE | NULL | NULL |
| 2 | 26 | NULL | 5 | 12 |
Is this better? I'm conflicted on which approach to use. Any guidance I can get is much appreciated.