




I'm just trying my hand in bash, so I wrote a simple program in C to count the number of characters in a file.

This is my C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int i, nc;
  nc = 0;
  i = getchar();
  while (i!=EOF){
    nc = nc + 1;
    i = getchar();

  return 0;

This is the bash command I'm using to compile and execute:

gcc sign.c < bright_side_of_life > output

My output file is completely empty though. Where am I going wrong?

+3  A: 
gcc sign.c -o output
./output < bright_side_of_life > size.txt

and i hope you are actually practising your C language. otherwise, just use the wc tool

lol...yeah. Just practicing C. I'm so used to programming in C#, C is killing me.
+6  A: 

You have to compile first, then run:

gcc -o sign sign.c
./sign < bright_side_of_life > output

Also, technically this is not piping the output of the program to a file; it is simply redirecting it. If you really wanted a pipe involved, you'd probably go in for some 'feline abuse' (meaning, use the 'cat' command):

./sign < bright_side_of_life | cat > output

However, the I/O redirection is more normal and (though it really doesn't matter in this context) more efficient.

Jonathan Leffler
Heh, I'm glad I'm not alone in believing it's slightly more efficient (but doesn't matter).
Matt Joiner
Thanks. It worked. I do eventually mean to pipe it to an awk script, once I get the C program running