




I need to convert a flat file to DB using MS SSIS. I need a way to look into a particular folder to fetch the (only) flat file, filename is of the format "FileName-CCYYMMDD.txt".

Please help me if there is way to add a file from the folder OR Get a file name of the format "Filename-CCYYMMDD.txt" where is CCYYMMDD is the current date or maybe CurrentDate -1 according to requirements.

Any code examples or screenshots will be highly appreciated!


Put the filename in a variable, possibly via a connection, and set up the variable with an expression.

+1  A: 

To get the connection dynamically, you need to use expression on the ConnectionString property of the flat file

Example, to get "D:\CC080226.txt", you can use the below expression.


Ken Yao

Sorry, am in a hurry, here is the snapshots n the scripts, hopefully it helps.

This package is scanning a folder for files conforming your specs, then pass the control to a Data Flow.

Control Flow,

For Each Loop Properties,

File System Properties,

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports System.IO

Public Class ScriptMain

    Public Sub Main()
        Dim Ext As String = ".txt"
        Dim Path As String = ".\" 'must get from package variable to be more dynamic
        Dim FileNames() As String = Directory.GetFiles(Path, "CC*" + Ext, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
        Dim ValidFileNames As New Collection
        For Each FileName As String In FileNames
            Dim FileDate As String = FileName.Substring(Len(Path) + 2) 'first 2 letter is already "CC"
            If Not IsYmd(FileDate.Substring(0, Len(FileDate) - Len(Ext))) Then Continue For
        Dts.Variables("FileNames").Value = ValidFileNames
        Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
    End Sub

    Private Function IsYmd(ByVal Test As String) As Boolean
        If Len(Test) <> 6 Then Return False
        Dim Year As String = Left(Test, 2)
            If CStr(2000 + CInt(Year)) <> "20" + Year Then Return False
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
        Dim Month As String = Mid(Test, 3, 2)
            If CInt(Month) < 1 Then Return False
            If CInt(Month) > 12 Then Return False
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
        Dim Day As String = Right(Test, 2)
        Dim FirstOfMonth As String = "20" + Year + "/" + Month + "/01"
        Dim EndOfMonth As Integer = DateAndTime.Day(DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, _
            DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 1, CDate(FirstOfMonth))))
            If CInt(Day) < 1 Then Return False
            If CInt(Day) > EndOfMonth Then Return False
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
        Return True
    End Function

End Class
Irawan Soetomo

In the data flow, right click on the Flat File Source>Show advanced editor>Component Properties. Under Custom Properties, specify a name for the FileNameColumnName property. This will add the file path and name to the output columns collection.
