I occasionally get SOAP time outs and I am sure it is the connect time out that is causing the problem. After 30 seconds, I always get a time out. By googling, I found suggestions to InternetSetOption that can be used to set the time outs, however on my machine, I have SOAPHttpTrans.pas (CodeGear Delphi 7) which has the following code:
Request := HttpOpenRequest(FInetConnect, 'POST', PChar(FURLSite), nil,
nil, nil, Flags, 0{Integer(Self)});
Check(not Assigned(Request));
{ Timeouts }
if FConnectTimeout > 0 then
Check(not InternetSetOption(Request, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, Pointer(@FConnectTimeout), SizeOf(FConnectTimeout)));
if FSendTimeout > 0 then
Check(not InternetSetOption(Request, INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, Pointer(@FSendTimeout), SizeOf(FSendTimeout)));
if FReceiveTimeout > 0 then
Check(not InternetSetOption(Request, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, Pointer(@FReceiveTimeout), SizeOf(FReceiveTimeout)));
How can I set the connect time out?