



Hi there, I'm attempting to set up a js cucumber environment in a rails3 app with capybara on osx10.6. I've tried using culerity with rvm jruby and rvm 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 but got various errors:

`initialize': Valid types are [:development, :runtime], not nil

Having read that this is potentially something to do with RUBYOPT and bundler I tried rvm impode'ing and using system ruby with jruby installed from via macports, but I was then running into issues where 'gem' was referencing the jruby binary instead of the system MRI. I've googled lots of blogs for solutions but I was getting nowhere.

So I tried switching to selenium-webdriver, with database-cleaner, but I can't seem to get this to work either as I keep getting...

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Couldn't find Product with ID=1

...errors, I think this must be something to do with the way I have my features/support/env.rb file set up, but I'm not really an expert in this area, especially when it comes to configuring selenium and database_cleaner or integrating database cleaner into my feature files, here is my features/support/env.rb, any suggestions would be gratefully received.