



I have created a fulltext catalog that stores the data from some of the columns in a table, but the contents seem to have been split apart by characters that I don't really want to be considered word delimiters. ("/", "-", "_" etc..)

I know that I can set the language for word breaker, and gives som idea on how to install new languages - but I need more direct control than that, because all of those languages still break on the characters I want to not break on.

Is there a way to define my own language to use for finding word breakers?



You are not going to like the answer, but the ability to configure FTS indexing is fairly limited out of the box. I don't think that you can use languages to do this.

If you are up for a challenge, and have access to some C++ knowledge, you can always write a custom IFilter implementation. It's not trivial, but not too difficult. See here for IFilter resources.

Good luck, Erick

Erick T