



If I log in to a website with the same user name and password in different browsers then close one of the windows, will the session still exist?


The session is local to the browser. Two browsers = two sessions. That is, unless you have some javascript (window.close) forcing the logout.

Andrew Sledge
+1  A: 

The Session in the still opened Browser will still exist, yes (Exept the website has a mechanism to avoid double sessions, or kills all sessions form a User at once)

Ok thank you very much
ever thought about accepting some answers on your questions? ;-)
  • Browser 1 starts session 1, when closing browser 1 this will close session 1
  • Browser 2 starts session 2, when closing browser 2 this will close session 2

Browser 1 can not end session 2, nor can browser 2 end session 1

Phill Pafford

I just want to concreticise preceeding answers. The browsers don't have any kind of connections between them - they are standalone applications. If browser starts a seesion, it belongs to it until it is unset e.g. B1 => Sess 1 B2 => Sess 2 And neither of them is accessible somewhere else than it the browser that created it. More information about PHP sessions can be found here You can find there "A visitor accessing your web site is assigned a unique id, the so-called session id. This is either stored in a cookie on the user side or is propagated in the URL." and that is the answer to your question :-D
