I've also come to the same conclusion - JavaScript is frankly Awesome, it is however also one of the most misunderstood languages and its easy to see why people dislike it and see it as inferior.
In fact I can very easily sympathise with everyone who dislikes JavaScript as not so long ago I too hated JavaScript with a passion! I was working on some particularly terrible code in which every feature of the language had been twisted into a cruel and sadistic mechanism by which to make debugging as difficult and as painful as possible.
At the time I even had strong JavaScript supporter try and explain to me why JavaScript was so awesome, but it was no good - my view was tainted by the horrible monstrosity that I was tasked with maintaining - every hypothetical good example usage of various language features was countered with a compelling case of how that same feature can make a programmers life hell.
And therein I believe lies the problem - for most people the only experience they have had of JavaScript are awful examples of how the language can be abused written by people who didn't understand JavaScript - peoples judgements are often swayed predominantly by their bad experiences, and JavaScript has those aplenty.
For me the thing that changed my mind was seeing code written by someone who did understand JavaScript - the code was just so clean and easy to read that I couldn't help but be impressed - until that point I had never realised that it was even possible to write such code in JavaScript.
So my advice would be: Don't try too hard to force peoples opinion - instead just make sure that they get exposure to well written JavaScript every now and then and hope they come around! :-)