Hi, I'been doing some inheritance in js in order to understand it better, and I found something that confuses me.
I know that when you call an 'constructor function' with the new keyword, you get a new object with a reference to that function's prototype.
I also know that in order to make prototypal inheritance you must replace the prototype of the constructor function with an instance of the object you want to be the 'superclass'.
So I did this silly example to try these concepts:
function Animal(){}
function Dog(){}
Animal.prototype.run = function(){alert("running...")};
Dog.prototype = new Animal();
Dog.prototype.bark = function(){alert("arf!")};
var fido = new Dog();
fido.bark() //ok
fido.run() //ok
console.log(Dog.prototype) // its an 'Object'
console.log(fido.prototype) // UNDEFINED
console.log(fido.constructor.prototype == Dog.prototype) //this is true
function KillerDog(){};
KillerDog.prototype.deathBite = function(){alert("AAARFFF! *bite*")}
fido.prototype = new KillerDog();
console.log(fido.prototype) // no longer UNDEFINED
fido.deathBite(); // but this doesn't work!
(This was done in Firebug's console)
1) Why if all new objects contain a reference to the creator function's prototype, fido.prototype is undefined?
2) Is the inheritance chain [obj] -> [constructor] -> [prototype] instead of [obj] -> [prototype] ?
3) is the 'prototype' property of our object (fido) ever checked? if so... why is 'deathBite' undefined (in the last part)?