



I'm using the TransitioningContentControl to create animations for navigating between pages. I used this blog post as my guide:

I also found this post that does something very similar:

I was able to create navigation animations, but they are the same whether you go forward or backward in the app. I want to create opposite animations depending on navigation. If the user is moving forward, the transition is toward them (like flipping a book to the next page). If the user is moving backward, the transition is the opposite.

I can't find any documentation for this control, just examples. Everything I've seen targets "DefaultTransition", but I'm wondering if there is something like "ForwardTransition" and "BackwardTransition".


The TransitioningContentControl only knows about Current and Previous content. So it doesn't have any sense of "forward" or "backward" navigation. You could try defining two different VisualStates - ("NavigateForward" and "NavigateBackward") with opposite animations and then dynamically change the Transition property of the TransitioningContentControl depending on which direction you are navigating.

John Vert