



Here is the code:

        $(window).stop(true,true).scrollTo('+=800px', 1000, { axis:'x' } );
        $(window).stop(true,true).scrollTo('-=800px', 1000, { axis:'x' } );

Site can be previewed here:

When the » are clicked more than once, it queues them up, even with the stop(true,true) parameter. Anyone know why?

+1  A: 

.stop() only affects the animation queue for that element, instead you can just .animate() in this case (no need for the scrollTo plugin here):

  $("html, body").stop(true,true).animate({ scrollLeft: '+=800' }, 1000);
  $("html, body").stop(true,true).animate({ scrollLeft: '-=800' }, 1000);

This way the .stop() will effect the animation queue on those elements.

Nick Craver
Oh wow, I never knew you could `animate()` a scroll... that's pretty handy. In this case, I took out the "true, true" parameters because instead of just ignoring a second click while animating, it would automatically skip ahead to the next position and begin scrolling from there. I just made it `stop()` and it works perfectly. Thanks so much.