



What do the icons in the following screen capture mean? The icons are from Subclipse, an SVN plugin for Eclipse.


I'm not asking about the base file icons, I know those (HTML file and Java source file). I'm asking about the right-pointing dark gray arrows, which are labeled "outgoing." What does that imply? Outgoing from the IDE to the repo, or outgoing from the repo to the IDE? Why are there minus signs inside the arrows? Sometimes, I see plus signs instead; other times, just empty arrows. What's the difference?

There are also left-pointing blue arrows and double-headed red arrows; what do those mean? What about cases when they contain other symbols, like - and +?

Note: This question has been edited pretty drastically. Normally I wouldn't change so much, but it had nearly no activity and was a dupe. The original question asked for an "icon glossary" that would explain all or most of Subclipse's icons, similar to this one for Eclipse. I'd still love to know about one of those, but there just doesn't seem to be one out there.

+7  A: 
Tim Stone
Wow -- nice job
Michael Mrozek
Wow, I don't think I could've asked for a better answer. Thanks!
Lord Torgamus
@Lord Torgamus: Cool, happy to help!
Tim Stone
One more icon:
Lord Torgamus
Ha, that last link has even been duped:
Lord Torgamus