I have a textfield where the user enters some number and clicks the "search" button. On clicking the "Search" buttton it displays all the associated JSON records with that number. How do I construct the dynamic HTML table by looping through each record? Here is my JSON structure returned from PHP:
$.getJSON("student.php",{'no' : $("#txt1field").attr('value'),'search' :''},
$.ajaxSetup ({ cache: false});
var i=0;
$.each(data, function(number,value) {
alert(" Number=="+data[i].number+"value==="+data[i].value);
//How do i construct HTML TABLE and put this items in to a table with each row having the
radiobutton , number,value
How do I construct an HTML table and put these items into it, with each row having a radio button, number, and value?Please Help Me