What is a good approach for the following:
On a weekly basis, approximately 250,000 records representing transactions will be appended to a large table in an SQL 2005 database. It is required to augment this data and append it to another table. (For example, based on the client ID on the transaction, various data will be computed based on certain business rules; the data is dependent on the client ID and the transaction ID.) Think of this table as preprocessed input for an analytical engine. This input data will then be put through the analytical engine (vendor solution) that will produce yet a third database table. This table will then require further processing (e.g., aggregation by client ID and some in-house analytics) to be appended to a table containing results in a form our team can use for report production. It is likely that in the future the same data will feed other applications, such as a web-based viewer of the data.
Our skill base is C, C++, C#, .NET and a passing familiarity with ADO.NET and LINQ. If this is not sufficient for such a project, please let me know. While our budget for new talent is non-existant right now, we would probably work to enhance our in-house skill base or borrow from another team to meet the project requirements.