I would personally recommend Glassfish, as being more stable, better implemented and generally higher quality that Tomcat. I don't want to start a flame war (by saying that putting J2EE into Tomcat is like putting lipstick on a pig), but I will tell you how we deploy all of our applications:
We use Glassfish as the web container, TopLink as the persistence provider, generally connected to a MySQL 5 database. We use the JPA POJOs all the way from the EJB layer, through the web tier, and the GWT layer as well, via RPC. We also use Stripes and JSPs for all the presentation logic that doesn't require AJAX functionality. We've never had any problems with this approach, and have so far done at least 10 large-scale projects this way. It's the best architecture that we've had to date, and we've had a lot (tomcat, jboss, hibernate, struts, spring, etc, etc, etc).