




I use the following Grails code to render a collection of SomeClass-objects as XML:

def someObjects = SomeClass.findAllByFoo(foo)
if (someObjects) {
  render(contentType:"text/xml", text:someObjects as XML)

This works as expected most of the time. However, sometimes and depending on the content of someObjects the code fails with the following NullPointerException (please note that someObjects != null):

    at grails.converters.XML.getElementName(XML.java:128)
    at grails.converters.XML.convertAnother(XML.java:163)
    at grails.converters.XML.convertAnother(XML.java:163)
    at grails.converters.XML.convertAnother(XML.java:163)
    at grails.converters.XML.render(XML.java:111)
    at grails.converters.XML.toString(XML.java:281)
    at project.SomethingController$_closure8.doCall(project.SomethingController:217)
    at project.SomethingController$_closure8.doCall(project.SomethingController)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:637)

This is the definition of the SomeClass class:

class SomeClass {
  List<A> a = new ArrayList<A>()
  List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>()
  List<C> c = new ArrayList<C>()
  static hasMany = [a : A, b : B, c : C]

I've found that the exception can be avoided simply by changing the SomeClass definition to:

class SomeClass {
  def a = new ArrayList<A>()
  def b = new ArrayList<B>()
  def c = new ArrayList<C>()
  static hasMany = [a : A, b : B, c : C]

My questions are:

  • What am I doing wrong in my interaction with "render as XML"? Is NPE expected here?
  • Why does the latter SomeClass definition work whereas the former does not?
+1  A: 

it seems that problem in definition because XML converter can't convert null element(whole field or just element of list).

class SomeClass {
  List<A> a = new ArrayList<A>()
  List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>()
  List<C> c = new ArrayList<C>()
  static hasMany = [a : A, b : B, c : C]

Really strange definition. static hasMany = [a : A, b : B, c : C] tries to create three fields a, b, c and each field has type java.util.Set. Sot just try this definition:

    class SomeClass {
      static hasMany = 
            a : A, 
            b : B, 
            c : C

It has to be OK.

Your examle:

class SomeClass {
  def a = new ArrayList<A>()
  def b = new ArrayList<B>()
  def c = new ArrayList<C>()
  static hasMany = [a : A, b : B, c : C]

is working because of dynamic typing nature. Here you have no strict type check and variables could be easily reassigned to different type.
