



Trying to bring different tools/technologies into one project, so this question is for ideas to achieve each stage.

I'm currently using GraphViz and like it's simplicity in presenting data; compared to other comparable tools. Project: Computer network.

  1. Is there an alternative (javascript/client side) tool to ZGRViewer? I like its ability to search free text within the SVG file.
  2. Is there a plugin/client side tool like MooWheel that would allow the user to click a node and highlight its rela ted child nodes? This way, you can click on a node and see dependent nodes. A successful sample may look like:
  3. a)Is there a way to draw this programatically without Ajax? server or client side. Would love to show the number of incoming connections by region.
  4. b) Or, this would be a nice alternative as well:

In short, something that would allow me to easily update a text file (e.g. .dot file)... graph/diagram to show all nodes.... allow user to search/click and have a quick display on what they're searching.

I've been searching for over 2 weeks straight and running out of ideas on where to look. Any help would be appreciated.