Hello all
I am trying to execute the following query
SELECT a.userid, COUNT(a.id) AS count_answers, SUM(v.yes_vote) as total_up_votes, SUM(v.all_vote - v.yes_vote) as total_down_votes, CAST(COUNT(a.id) + SUM(v.yes_vote) * 4 - SUM(v.all_vote) AS SIGNED) AS voting_points
FROM (answers a)
LEFT OUTER JOIN answers_vote_count v ON r.id = v.answer_id
GROUP BY a.userid
ORDER BY count_answers DESC
As you can see, I am trying to calculate the points received on answer received.
Points are calculated like -
- 1 point for every answer - COUNT(answers)
- 3 points for every up vote on answer - 3 * SUM(yes_vote)
- (-1) point for every down vote - SUM(all_vote) - SUM(yes_vote)
My trouble is - if an answer does not have a up_vote and down_vote, the points come out to be NULL. The COUNT(answers) part does not work properly.
What am I doing wrong over here?