I have a question connected to this code:
t = -20:0.1:20;
grid on
hold on
i = 1;
h = plot3([0 0],[0 t(i)],[0 -t(i)^2],'r');
h1 = plot3([-1 0],[0 0],[-400 -200],'g');
set(h,'xdata',[-1 0],'ydata',[0 t(i)],'zdata',[-400 -t(i)^2]);
In this code, I plot two intersecting lines. H1, and H2. H1 is fixed, H2 moves as a function of time. H2 happens to trace a parabola in this example, but its movement could be arbitrary.
How can I calculate and draw the bisector of the angle between these two intersecting lines for every position of the line H2? I would like to see in the plot the bisector and the line H2 moving at the same time.
Solving this problem for one position of H2 is sufficient, since it will be the same procedure for all orientations of H2 relative to H1.