



how to make the Rounded number ?

Example : 3341.48 to 3342.00

+4  A: 

It seems you always want to round up here. In that case use


This will return 3342.

If you want to round towards the nearest whole number, use


This will return 3341. Note that Bankers roundingis the default setting here, that might cause some unexpected result for rounding X.50.

Øyvind Bråthen
thnx for reply. here i need to make the round the number as 3342.00
thanx Brathen,it is working.
If it's working, then please mark this as the accepted answer also. I see that you have a terrible 30% accept rate, so I would suggest going through your earlier questions and marking the correct answers as accepted. Glad it helped you accomplish what you needed.
Øyvind Bråthen

If you want 3341.48 to round up to 3342, it sounds like you might want Math.Ceiling:

decimal m = 3341.48m;
decimal roundedUp = Math.Ceiling(m);

This will always round up - so 3341.0000001 would still round to 3342, for example. If that's not what you're after, please specify the circumstances in which you want it to round up, and those in which you want it to round down instead.

Note that this will round up to 3342, not 3342.00 - it doesn't preserve the original precision, because you've asked for an integer value by using Math.Ceiling.

It's relatively unusual to then want to force the precision to 2, but you could divide by 100 and then multiply by 100 again, if necessary. Alternatively, if you only need this for output you should look into formatting the result appropriately rather than changing the value.

Jon Skeet

Use Math.Round(number) if you want to round number to the nearest integer. Use Math.Round(number,digits) if you want to round number to a specified number of fractional digits. If you want to round to lower/higer value use Math.Floor(number) / Math.Ceiling(number) instead.


To round monetary amounts to 5 cents:

amount = 20 * int(amount / 20)


if the decimals are only for output use the The Fixed-Point ("F") Format Specifier

decimal num = 9999.88m;
decimal rounded = Math.Floor(num);
string outputresult = rounded.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);


Caspar Kleijne