I have a Tooltip which on mouse over opens on the top left side corner of the page irrespectve of the 'mouseover'. In case of IE8 this works fine and opens just above the place where mouse is placed but in Firefox its unable to calculate/interprete the values.
here is the code snippet for tooltip
function DoFlyOver()
if( ToClear != -1 ) window.clearTimeout( ToClear );
var thisForm = eval("document." + formName);
if (FlyOverArea == null) FlyOverArea = document.getElementById("FlyOverArea");
if (FlyOverArea.firstChild!==null)
FlyOverArea.removeChild(FlyOverArea.firstChild); // remove all existing content
FoLeft = $displayOptions.getFlyoverLeftOfCursor();
FoTop = $displayOptions.getFlyoverTopOfCursor();
FlyOverArea.style.left = Number(thisForm.mousex.value) + Number(thisForm.scrollx.value) - Number(FoLeft);
FlyOverArea.style.top = Number(thisForm.mousey.value) + Number(thisForm.scrolly.value) - Number(FoTop);
var maxX = (window.screen.width * $displayOptions.getFlyoverThreshold())/100;
// If the mouse is at the extreme right corner the max threshold should the tooltip be //placed.
if(FlyOverArea.style.posLeft > (window.screen.width - maxX)){
FlyOverArea.style.left = window.screen.width - maxX;
FlyOverArea.style.display = "";
ToClear = setTimeout( "ClearFlyOver()", $displayOptions.getFlyoverVisibleTimeWithCursor(), "JAVASCRIPT" );//set timeout
<DIV ID=FlyOverArea CLASS="FO" STYLE="display: none">
I suspect its wih style.top
and style.left
and tried with style.pixelLeft,style.posleft
too but no use