




I created two tables whose definitions are


Assume the following macro definitions


Using the following macro definition, i could create (for each table), 4 fragments, with
n_disc_copies = 2, and i used a node pool of 2 nodes on the same host. check this below.


Using this piece of code,Nodes = ['[email protected]','[email protected]'],
No_of_frags = 4,N_disc_copies = 2


I populated these two tables using a number of processes until mnesia:info(), returned results as these:

student_frag4  : with 1268103  records occupying 193047533 bytes on disc
student2_frag4 : with 1673066  records occupying 199942998 bytes on disc
student        : with 1269044  records occupying 193119653 bytes on disc
student_frag3  : with 1269578  records occupying 193114408 bytes on disc
student2_frag3 : with 1673945  records occupying 200058764 bytes on disc
student2       : with 1674954  records occupying 200088328 bytes on disc
student_frag2  : with 1267914  records occupying 192954162 bytes on disc
student2_frag2 : with 1672363  records occupying 200008994 bytes on disc
schema         : with 9        records occupying 1506     words of mem

In my application, i had several abstraction that provide more info, check these out below. I could get the memory used up by each fragment of table: student and student2 like this..

([email protected])9> ecampus_frag:memory(student).
([email protected])14> ecampus_frag:memory(student2).

To get the total memory use up by the entire table,(by summing up memory of individual fragments) i would call...

([email protected])17> ecampus_frag:total_memory(student2).

([email protected])18> ecampus_frag:total_memory(student).

To find the total number of records i had pumped in....

([email protected])23> ecampus_frag:total_records(student).
([email protected])24> ecampus_frag:total_records(student2).

The part i know that mnesia_frag distributes records well when the number of fragments are a power of 2 e.g 4,8,32,64,... But when i tried to add a fragment by this method below, the result is disturbing.

([email protected])19> mnesia:change_table_frag(student2,{add_frag,[]}).
                        "Too few nodes in node_pool"}}

In the documentation, i cannot find an explanation for this.
How many erlang nodes are required against a given number of fragments?
Is there a relationship between n_disc_copies and the size of the node_pool?
What is the significance of node_pool size when working with Mnesia fragmentation

Thanks... /[email protected]