Hello, first post here but I'm a frequent visitor =)
I have a WPF application with .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 which uses DataViews (coming from an SQL Server 2008). I have two tables which looks like this
GUID (Primary Key, UniqueIdentifier)
Table2_GUID (UniqueIdentifier)
GUID (Primary Key, UniqueIdentifier)
First of all I've been having trouble using the RowFilter on the DataView with Guid columns so I've added string columns to the tables called GUID_S, Table2_GUID_S etc. These columns contain the GUID converted to a string. (c0d2bd01-68fd-4d8a-a211-a703e8ec7edd => 01BDD2C0FD688A4DA211A703E8EC7EDD)
When I try to bind to the GUID_S columns everthing works as expected but when I try to bind to the GUID columns all I get is "DependencyProperty.UnsetValue" in the converter. Then I tried with creating a class called GuidClass, containing nothing but a Guid property, and then the binding works. Can anyone tell my why this is?
My 3 bindings looks like this
// 1. Working
Binding bindingGuidS = new Binding();
bindingGuidS.Source = dataRowView;
bindingGuidS.Path = new PropertyPath("GUID_S"); // string column
// 2. Not Working - "DependencyProperty.UnsetValue"
Binding bindingGuid = new Binding();
bindingGuid.Source = dataRowView;
bindingGuid.Path = new PropertyPath("GUID"); // Guid column
// 3. Working
Guid guid = (Guid)dataRowView["GUID"];
GuidClass guidClass = new GuidClass(guid);
Binding bindingGuid = new Binding();
bindingGuid.Source = guidClass;
bindingGuid.Path = new PropertyPath("TheGuid");
and the GuidClass just looks like this
public class GuidClass
public GuidClass(Guid guid)
TheGuid = guid;
public Guid TheGuid
Thanks for your help /Fredrik