For C# and Windows Forms the actual needed width in pixels can be calculated as such:
Edit: Using col.Visible instead of col.Displayed as per smirkingman's comment!
public int getDisplayingWidth( DataGridView gv )
int gvWidth = 0;
if ( gv.RowHeadersVisible )
gvWidth += gv.RowHeadersWidth;
if ( ( gv.ScrollBars == ScrollBars.Vertical )
|| gv.ScrollBars == ScrollBars.Both )
gvWidth += System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
foreach ( DataGridViewColumn col in gv.Columns )
if ( col.Visible )
gvWidth += ( col.Width + col.DividerWidth + 1 );
return gvWidth;
The +1 in the loop seems to be necessary, this seems to be the delimiter (although I would have thought that this is taken into account with DividerWidth...).
I found pieces of the solution. but not the complete solution, so I thought I just post it!