Firefox does not automatically define global variables for elements with ids or names.
IE including #9, Opera 10, Safari 5 and Chrome 6 all do maintain a global
rollcall of named or id'd elements in the document.
It seems like it could crowd up the global namespace...
function a1(id){
window[id].style.color= 'red';
return er.message+'\n'+'window.'+id+' = '+window[id];
return 'window.'+id+'='+window[id];
function a2(id){
window[id]= 'red';
return 'window.'+id+'='+window[id]
firefox returns window[idstring] is undefined.
The others all find it, just like the old IE document.all object.
- query the id as a global identifier:
colors the element red and returns[object HTMLButtonElement]
(returns [object Object] in older ie browsers)
assign the global a new value: alert(a2('idstring')) returns 'red'
Try the element again alert(a1('idstring'))
throws an error - Cannot convert 'window[id].style' to object
- or Cannot set property 'color' of undefined or
- Result of expression 'window[id].style' [undefined] is not an object ot
- Object expected