




If I type End in non-screen environment of my zsh console - it will move me to the end of line. But if I do the same in zsh behind screen then it will just upper case following word..

How can I make those movements behave the same in screen environment too?

+1  A: 

In your ~/.screenrc file add one of the following lines:

bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line
bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line
bindkey "\eOw" end-of-line

depending on what you get when you press Ctrl-v End at a shell prompt. Escape is represented by ^[.

Alternatively, you can try setting TERM while you're in screen to the same thing it is outside screen.

Dennis Williamson
Ctrl-v End gives me "[4~" what should I do then? it is not listed in these three lines and 'bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line' doesn't help.. any ideas, Dennis? P.S. TERM is the same now
@user80805: Did you get "[4~" or "^[[4~"? Was that with or without `screen` running? Do you have any keys mapped using zsh's `bindkey`?
Dennis Williamson
I get "^[[4~". It was with `screen`. No custom bindkeys - just that http://pastie.org/1219134
@user80805: Nothing keyboard-related in `~/.zshrc`?
Dennis Williamson
There is something.. http://pastie.org/1220188